Very Safe Sex
by Mindy Matijasevic
week, classes at both
jobs started up again.
Additionally, Friday was the deadline to apply for a grant from the
Bronx Council on the Arts. I am typically
down to the wire on that deadline, and this year was no exception. I had to bring my manuscript to the 8th
Avenue post office by 33rd
street at night to have it postmarked on 1/25/13. There was much stress due to not being able
to get through to a fucking human being on the phone. When I was trying to call to find out hours,
I was forced to talk to a computer and when I said “hours,” it said, “post
office locations.” After the third call,
I almost threw the phone into my computer monitor.
One of my new co-workers has already shown himself to have an
ego that won’t be able to fit in our office.
The massive pair on some people is amazing. I’m sure he’s one of those who takes up three
seats on the subway.
I will be putting together a newsletter at work on a regular
basis. This was originally the idea of
Sue Machlin, a dear co-worker and friend who passed over last June in a car
accident. She and another put out the
first newsletter. For whatever reasons,
they didn’t continue. I resurrected the
idea, and it’s my project now. I’m
glad. It’s another continuing connection
to Sue. It’s creative work, and that
gets my juices going.
Having to function in the morning every day after several
weeks of a very loose schedule, all the stress and beating the clock to get my
submission in on time to apply for the grant, trying to reason with an a-hole
in one arena and a computer in another, among other things, exhausted me. I slept all day Saturday. And I am pleased to say I didn’t feel one bit
of guilt for it. I needed it. I tend to stay up late when not having to get
up early, so making the switch was very difficult.
I don’t know if this is connected to getting
my writing in before deadline and having a newsletter to create (which
stimulates me more than many things), but I dreamt that I had sex. I mean when I woke up, it took a few minutes
to fully realize it was a dream. I
remember details. Not
every detail, but some. I remember
feeling that he was going to be done, and, after all this time that I’ve been
penis-free, I was determined to make sure I’d be done by the time he’d be
done. There was no way I went through
all this to be left unsatisfied. I
remember rising to him three times and (to put it cleanly) achieve what I rose
for. Later, I remember standing naked
and facing each other. He had a hairy
chest. I like men to have hairy
chests. I didn’t see his face. He wasn’t a whole lot taller than me. He, based on body color, may have been
Hispanic, Italian, Greek, Jewish (the type who have more color). In the dream, I knew
who he was, but since awaking, I can’t remember at all. I felt pretty pleased in the dream. Not a bit regretful. Maybe it’s a sign.

So nice to have a glimpse into your daily life. We all have those hurdles, and I have slammed a few mice and tossed a few phone receivers in my day. Love your restorative sleep AND sex. Well done.
Hey Liz, I love the name! Thanks for being a regular visitor. And yes, here's to restoration. :-)
Spent the weekend in automated hell myself. Great post! ~Samantha