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        Hi everyone.  For those of you who like to plan ahead, I am honored to be co-featuring with poet Prince McNally and Jim Hart on July 31st at Evie Ivy’s long-running poetry reading series.  It is at the Green Pavilion, 4307 18th Avenue in Brooklyn, a nice restaurant with reasonable prices and only a block from the train station.  (F train to 18th Avenue)


        And if you like to plan ahead ahead, my next comedy show at The Artist, 249 City Island Avenue, on the lovely City Island is September 20th.  It’s going to include something a bit different.  Put it on your calendar.  8pm.  Laughter guaranteed!


    The Artist

        I’ve been so mixed about attending the Poetry Festival on Governors Island this weekend.  I was considering going on Sunday.  Then I learned that Sunday starts a 3rd heat wave.  I don’t know if I’m going or not.  I don’t have AC at home, but I have fans (not the kind who read my blog) and can take all my clothes off (because the fans are not the kind who read my blog).  That might seem more appealing though there is someone who is feeling special to me who will be at the festival.  So I’m torn.


        Yet, just like in comedy, people have to know that you exist.  Staying home doesn’t accomplish that well enough even with social media.  Is it worth enduring a heat wave?  Still torn.


        If you like to plan ahead ahead ahead, December 20th is the Almost Winter Comedy Show at The Artist on City Island.  Wow, almost winter suddenly sounds so refreshing.  December on City Island is full of beautiful holiday scenes.  Besides the restaurants, the visual delights, the unique shops, there’s comedy and dessert at The Artist at 8pm on a Friday night!


    So much love to CGG-M  ❤❤❤
    Mindy Matijasevic
    July 2024

  2. What a Month!

    Tuesday, July 2, 2024



    June began gently.  I committed to attend a poetry reading at Lehman Stages on June 13th at 7pm, which was great!  I knew I had my comedy show on City Island scheduled for June 14th.  Then I saw that Thaddeus Rutkowski was offering a free writing workshop on June 19th at 7pm.  I registered for that. 

            Since I haven’t been teaching, I’ve been sitting too much and could benefit from more structure and motion in my life.  I decided to jump on an opportunity to be part of the alumni show from A Sketch of New York Productions.  For June, they were going to put on their Sketch of Pride Show.  I have wanted to be part of an alumni show for a few years, but I had health issues, then the pandemic occurred, etc.  I decided this was the time.  The show involved 3 rehearsals a week from the beginning of June.  I’ve never written sketches, but they welcomed those alumni who were only in it to act.  I did learn from my peers about sketch writing, but didn’t get to write any this time.  I feel I might be able to do it for a future alumni show. 

            In 3 weeks, we discussed and brainstormed, wrote sketches, (mostly) learned lines, and performed 3 shows at the Producers Club.  Each evening after the show, I was approached by audience members sharing their appreciation of my performance, accent, and presence.  I hope I live long enough to benefit further from this feedback.

            In the midst of it all, I was hired for a 3-day job paying $800.  It required me to miss one rehearsal day, and to be in midtown on a mock jury before 9am (not my nature) for 3 consecutive days.  We were treated well, fed and paid well, but it challenged my energy.  I was able to stay motivated because it was all or nothing.  If one didn’t finish the entire 3 days, no pay.  I needed that $800 to settle a few bills.  I needed it badly.  I got through it, though not easily.  Whew.

            On the evening of Thaddeus’ workshop, I walked from the rehearsal at 
    44th St. and 9th Avenue to 30th and 8th to save carfare.  The workshop was worth it.

            Two days after the Sketch of Pride performances, I was in a comedy show at Pangea.  It’s the Eat Drink Laugh show produced by Paul Hallasy.  It was a lot of fun.  I enjoyed not only being in it, but I loved watching it as well.

            After all this, I was like this:


    So much love to CGG-M ❤❤❤
    Mindy Matijasevic
    July 2024



  3. Tonight's the Night

    Tuesday, June 25, 2024


        Laughter, food, drink, and air-conditioning! Advance tickets are discounted.

    It's tonight! 9pm. My East Village folks, it's a short trip to lots of laughter.

    Loads of love to CGG-M ❤❤❤
    Mindy Matijasevic
    June 2024




    There’s a change in the line-up for my June 14th show at The Artist on City Island.  Joe Fulton had an accident that prevents him from being in the show.  We are fortunate to have the hilarious comedian and actor, Bob Greenberg!  I hope to have Joe Fulton in a future show as he had me cracking up when I saw him perform.


    The Artist is located at 249 City Island Avenue, City Island, the Bronx, NY.  #6 train to Pelham Bay Park and then the #29 bus to City Island.  The updated line-up:

    Tom Brennan

    Bob Greenberg

    Paul Hallasy

     and me, of course ...

            I was heading out tonight getting up my courage to ask some stores for credit ‘til Monday.  I walked in the street near the parked cars.  I looked down to avoid dog poop and to avoid falling.  I saw a $20 bill!  I bent down to pick it up, and it was indeed a $20 bill.  I thanked God/dess and all who might be looking out for me from Heaven.  Those are some special moments.


    Several poems of mine have been accepted for an anthology.  That’s a real pick-me-up.


    I’m going to be in the latest production of A Sketch of New York.  was in their show several years ago (before the pandemic) and had a great time.  This is their “Pride” show and will be performed on 6/21, 22, and 23.  Details to come.  I told them I have searched for my inner lesbian but didn’t find her.  I’m sexually attracted to men though I find them difficult in general.  However, I think I’m accepted in the “Pride” show as an ally.  It’s always a good show.  Hope you’ll want to attend.


    Rehearsals begin on Monday 6/3.  I think in many ways, this will be good for me.  I need some structure in my life.



    Love always to CGG-M ❤❤❤

    Mindy Matijasevic, June 2024





  5. Mark Your June Calendar!

    Sunday, May 19, 2024






    I hope very much that you will desire to laugh with us on June 14th for my Almost Summer Comedy Show at The Artist (all male line-up to honor Father’s Day).




    249 City Island Avenue, City Island, The Bronx

    8pm (7:45 recommended)

        Lately I’ve had a good time at poetry readings as a featured reader.  And I love attending David Elsasser’s weekly workshop on Zoom that I used to attend in person.  That group became even more meaningful to me during Covid – it was human contact!  Certain people made it possible for me to attend with camera and mic features.  Sometimes my tech stuff didn’t work for me.  David was always willing to accommodate me in whatever ways he could.  Sometimes I joined by phone or only communicated in the chat box.  But when someone wants you there, they make it happen.  In many ways I feel so blessed. 


            My closest buddy’s mom is almost 102 years old.  We spent Mother’s Day together -- my buddy, his mom, her aide, and me.  I have daily heartbreak over my own Mother’s Day situation, but still have hope.


            Come to my comedy show and let’s have a good time in spite of all kinds of stuff.


             You can pay in advance (link in next blog) or pay when you are there.  You may BYOB.  Cover charge $15 and no minimum!  Menu of light fare is available for separate purchase as is delicious desserts from


            A hat gets passed around for contributions, so I may pay the comics.

            I know you will enjoy the show, so don’t miss it.



    A heartful of love to CGG-M  ❤ 💕 ❤

    Mindy Matijasevic, May 2024


  6. Poetry, Comedy, Acting, Feline Love

    Thursday, May 2, 2024



            It’s May.  Wow.  If you, New Yorkers, are looking for things to do locally, here’s some stuff I’m involved in to varying degrees.

    ·        May 6th -- Poetry and Prose – I’m one of three featured readers for the Phoenix Reading Series at Shades of Green, 125 E. 15th Street, NYC. 6:30pm. Sign up for the open mic if you are so inclined.

    ·        May 8th -- Comedy – Comedy Dungeon show at HOWM at the Selina Chelsea  Hotel, 518 W. 27th Street, NYC. Randy Epley’s show. FREE! 8:30pm.

    Just come on over for laughs

    ·        May 9th – small acting role in “BRING THEM BACK!” (a dark comedy by David Willinger) at the Theater for the New City, 155 First Avenue near 10th Street, NYC. 8pm.  There are 8 performances, but May 9th is opening night for this play that includes video. I’m in the video part.  

    Theater for the New City Presents 

    Bring Them Back 

    A Meta Dark Comedy 


    Written and Directed by David Willinger


    May 9-19, 2024 (8 performances)

    Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm

    Sundays at 3pm 

    Theater for the New City

    155 First Avenue

     New York, NY 10003 

    General Admission: $18. Students/Seniors: $15 

    For tickets, visit:

    Runtime: 90 minutes (no intermission)

    ·       June 14th Comedy – my Almost Summer Comedy Show on City Island at The Artist (formerly the Starving Artist Café) run by Elliot and Monica Glick, 249 City Island Avenue, Bronx, NY.  $15 cover; NO minimum.  You can even BYOB.  Menu of light fare and delicious desserts by Jenny's Sweets available for separate purchase but not required. The hilarious line-up will be Tom Brennan, Paul Hallasy, Joe Fulton, and me, of course.  8pm (7:45 recommended) Laughter guaranteed!


    For those familiar with my feline friend, Mustache, she and I are still going strong.  She and I had our affection session today and yesterday.  I admit that sometimes my main motivation to go into the store where she lives is to see her.  So when I don’t have anything I need to buy there or no money to buy it, I go in to check my pathetic checking account balance on the ATM.  She finds me and begins our love session while being very verbal about it.  She continues to be a loving part of my life, and me, hers.



    So much love to CGG-M ❤❤❤

    Mindy Matijasevic, May 2024 🍷



  7. Comics Doing Poetry, etc.

    Tuesday, April 16, 2024




        The poetry reading last Sunday lifted my spirits.  It was a small-ish turnout, but high in quality.  Plus I got to see and hear the work of my friend, Mindy Levokove.  Michael Graves curates this part of the Phoenix Series, and he was so encouraging to me.  I appreciate him very much.

        The weather was delightful.  But still I was late.  My #4 train stop was being bypassed by downtown trains due to track work.  I had to take the train uptown to go downtown.  Then, at 42nd, I had to switch to the #6.  I have seen too much local news and find myself afraid of being in the subway.  So I had anxiety the whole way down about that and being late.

        But the atmosphere felt so good, the people so accepting.  They appreciated my poetry and verbalized it.  It’s a nourishing feeling, different than other kinds of nourishment.

        The Monday before, I spent the eclipse with my two closest friends.  We went to the Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn and observed the eclipse from there with our special glasses.  Mainly, I loved the three of us being together.

        Tuesday, 4/16, was my best friend’s birthday.  He and I got together for the evening portion of his birthday.  Went out for Indian food (he treated), and we hung out talking.  I had a zero-budget situation, so I made him a very personal card that only ‘besties’ could do.  It caused a LOTTA laughter.  He appreciated that very much.  On zero budget, it was a goodie.  But it will have to go in a hidden file.

        This Saturday, 4/20, I will be part of a reading at the Thompkins Square Library, 331 East 10th Street, NYC.  Evie Ivy put together an anthology of poems during COVID and is curating this reading and selling copies of the anthology.  It’s at 1:00pm and is FREE.  If this appeals to you, come on over.

        If you need a unique gift for a male or female who this applies to:

    please let me know.  My email is  They are Hanes, size XL.



    Forever love to CGG-M  ❤💜💕
    Mindy Matijasevic
    April 2024