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    I was supposed to attend a poetry festival on Saturday afternoon.  I was really looking forward to it.  An hour of workshopping, an hour of featured poets, and an hour of open mic-ers.  Free.  So when I couldn’t bear to wake up in time, I felt so disappointed that I was opting to sleep.  Yet, I spent so much of my life sleep-deprived for different reasons, that my need to sleep and have disturbing dreams feels crucial.  Later, I saw I had an email announcing that the event was canceled due to the possibility of storms.  I felt much better.  I’m assuming it will be re-scheduled, and I hope to get there.


    My struggle with the f’n’ cigarettes continues.  I can’t stand the enslavement feeling.  I’m still at a better average than before my efforts, but still with a ways to go.  My breathing is still not as easy as I’d like and need it to be.  


    My buddy/unofficially adopted brother helped me with many things on Sunday.  A leak from the toilet tank.  Brunch.  A trip to the rental office.  A ride to the bank.  I felt so loved.  It feels like it does something good to my physiology.  Tomorrow, I’m going to accompany him to his oral surgeon, and then a few of his errands.  After all that, if he is feeling okay, he plans to help me with some things in the apartment.  If he and I had both been born to his family or mine, I don’t think we’d be as close as we are.  We are each other’s chosen siblings.  👫

    Photo and photo funny stuff by Noemi Ross
    (former office manager who also provided counseling services at Lehman College's Adult Learning Center)


    I had some affection sessions with my girl, Mustache, in recent days.  For those who don’t know, she is my feline friend who lives and works in a nearby store.  There is more to that story, of course complications, but that’ll be for another time.



    198th Street & Valentine Avenue



    Constant love to CGG-M ❤❤❤

    Mindy Matijasevic








  2. 4 comments:

    1. JA Todras said...

      TYVM> Loved reading this. jat

    2. Melinda said...

      I heard, with all due respect, that quitting smoking is almost, if not as,hard as quitting Heroin. Going it alone may not be the answer. Perhaps you can consult a doctor about getting "the patch". I also heard somewhere that the city will give you the patch for free. Darling, careful with Tuxedo. Just sayin, don't throw caution to the wind. I love animals but I'd be careful with an outside cat. Glad your brother(a man that has been that caring, loving and helpful to you is truly your brother) is in your life. Glad you're in his too😊. Hope all goes well for him tomorrow. 😊💞🙏
      PS: My hearing is actually my reading😄.

    3. Carolyn Reus said...

      Hi Mindy, yes some habits are very hard to quit. I quit smoking cigarettes a long time ago, but I was not smoking long. Maybe 2 or 3 years on weekends or something. I realized I didn’t like the taste of food after, the smell on my clothes ( from a Smokey bar, maybe), or if I kissed someone.
      On the other hand, sucking my thumb, I didn’t quit till about 15. It was mostly in private, at home. But I did it. I never went back to that, either.
      I love the segment about your adopted brother. It’s a wonderful relationship. I feel closer to some of my female friends, like a sister. But I am now closer to my real sisters because we text a lot or speak on the phone.

    4. Thank you, John, Melinda, and Carolyn, for your comments.

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