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    It looks like I was dinner for part of the mosquito population recently.  My arm must be tasty. 


    During several very hot days, whenever I went into the store where Mustache lives, she was sleeping and the air-conditioning wasn’t working too well, so I didn’t wake her.  Then when those days passed, she and I had daily affection-sessions for a while.  It is so uplifting.  She has so much to say.  And she is always so glad to see me and makes her feelings very known.  A delicious part of my existence.


    My elevator wasn’t working for a few days which forced me to use the stairs which is probably a good thing but has become so difficult.  Since having Legionnaires in the fall of 2019, my breathing has not been what it was before.  Losing weight might help.  I’m working on the cigarette problem.  I’m smoking about half of what I was smoking before.  But it is with a ways to go.  I hope I can do this.


    On Mondays, I am part of a support group, and it is helpful.  But it is still a struggle.  I struggle to maintain my lower number of cigarettes.  I hope I can keep going and get it down further.  I really need to.  My breathing is labored.


    I am so excited about the comedy show on August 6th at The Artist on City Island.  I so enjoy the comics booked – Joanne Filan, Jose Angel Diaz, Leighann Lord, and me.  I’m bringing my alcohol wipes to clean the mic after each comic like it’s a dirty d - - k.  Sorry men, but I don’t know what else to compare it to.  Open to suggestions.  A rotting zucchini?  A black cucumber?  I’m listening.




    Much love to CGG-M  ❤❤❤

    Mindy Matijasevic

    July 2021



  2. 7 comments:

    1. Flash said... it's a Germ Wand...because it IS.

    2. JARP said...

      How about a popsicle or a pickle that fell on the floor? - Judy

    3. lol I wouldn't wash a popsicle but I would a pickle (though not with an alcohol wipe). Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.

    4. S u P o l o said...

      Rub alcohol on mosquito bites to break up the serum.

    5. Susan Weiman said...

      Delayed response. I heard your arm is/was tasty! I went to a lovely old Inn in August and returned with 20 bites. Sweet stuff!

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