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  1. Laughter and Gratefulness!

    Tuesday, June 12, 2018

    People, I’m the dose of estrogen in this Friday’s F.U.C. show at Broadway Comedy Club.  Tickets are a bit cheaper on line than at the door.  If money is the obstacle, please talk to me.  You can contact me at because I might be able to get you a complimentary ticket.  The two-drink minimum would still apply.

    Come see my haircut that I gave myself for the first time in my life.   

    Come have a couple of drinks and some laughs.  Great way to start the weekend. 

    I’d love to hear you laughing in the audience.  I might even have you 
    gasping for air.  Proud to say that happened at the last show.

    Also, I am going to get the Divorced Divas of Comedy shows happening 
    again.  I have to.  I’ve been reminded of why I started it.

    I really need to commit harder to my show biz paths.  The day job, while 
    wonderful with the students, is becoming less and less secure.

    My best bud, Bob, helped me with things in my apartment over the 
    weekend.  It is a great feeling that someone in the world wants to help me make things better.  I’m truly grateful.

    Later this month, my poetry pal Barbara is going to pick me up in 
    the Bronx and drive me back to her place in Wayne, New Jersey for a few days at what feels like adult day camp.  She has a pool.  Another poetry pal, Patrick, will join us, and we will write and share poetry, play Scrabble, create art – whether by jewelry making or something else – and have a great time.  And Barbara is willing to do all that driving.  She will get me home too.  As someone who rarely has 'vacationed' due to lack of money, this is a real treat.  Again, I am grateful.

    I just wish I could share these blessings with my son. 

    (Love to CGM) 

  2. 4 comments:

    1. Unknown said...

      Thanks for the read Mindy. That last line is a heartbreaker. I had/have a strained relationship with some of my family and it isn't easy.

    2. Lisa, thank you. I read your comment 5 times. Thank you.

      Everybody: Friday's show is canceled. :-(

    3. jess said...

      Great hearing from you Mindy. Even if only on line. I'm having a wonderful fun vacation time by myself. So much to do up here . Haven't really written anything but I have been painting. More colors in that.
      Thank you Mindy. And give my love to Barbara and Patrick.

    4. and now the show is back on ...

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