I feel there are angels on Earth. They usually don’t make front page news as the devils do. I would love for a particular angel to reveal her/himself to me.
Several months ago, when I returned home from the store, a big box was in front of my door. I hadn’t bought anything, so I thought it might be meant for a neighbor. I checked and it had my name on it. No return address. It was delivered by Amazon Prime. On the outside of the box, it said, “lithium batteries.” I was puzzled because the box was so large.
I then thought that maybe the landlord sent lithium batteries for the smoke alarm or something. I let the box sit in my foyer for a few months. Usually my buddy helps me with things like this, but I hadn’t had him or anyone in my house since the pandemic took over. Since I thought it was batteries, it didn’t take a high priority for me. Life went on with more immediate problems and issues, so I tended to forget about the box.
Yesterday (Thursday), my buddy was going to come over to help me with something else more pressing, and then I was going to go to his house to help him with something I had more patience with than he. I remembered the box and asked him for his help with that also since he was in my apartment anyway. He, too, wondered why a big box said “lithium batteries.” He opened it, and surprise surprise, it was a brand new laptop including lithium batteries. He said it might be a rebuilt laptop but it looked brand new. There was no indication of who sent it.
I know in my blogs I have mentioned how acting gigs have been asking for videos in place of in-person auditions, and how that meant no auditions for me since I don’t have all that fancy technology. Some might call me a dinosaur. It has more to do with lack of finances than with being a dinosaur. I’ve also mentioned that when I attend a zoom event, I can see and hear everyone, but since I don’t have a webcam or mic, I can only use the chat box. So I am thinking it may have been sent from someone who reads my blog.
My buddy and I were wearing masks in the apartment which was uncomfortable, and we still had to get to his house to do what he needed done, so we put everything back in the box. He will set it up for me in the near future. He told me it has a webcam. This is exciting. However, it does mean I will have to be dressed and looking somewhat decent when I attend a zoom event.
This is no small gift. I really want to know who sent it to me. Several angels came to mind. But it is very puzzling that the person didn’t ask me if I received it. It was left by my door. I am lucky my immediate neighbors on my floor are honest people. But anyone else could have taken it, and I’d never know since I wasn’t expecting a package.
I’m so moved by so many who have helped me out since I lost my job and have been scraping by. But this feels enormous. Let me know who you are. Please. And THANK YOU!
Love to CGG-M always. ❤❤❤
Mindy Matijasevic
I wish it was me Dear, but it wssn't. It was very kind & generous of someone.
Unknown, who are you? :-)
God has his/her ways😉. The was a very special gift, from a very special person, for a very special you. When you're a blessing, blessing will come your way my friend. You have always been good to people. Love out, love in.
Yes, God sends angels, you are loved. God Bless the angel that "stepped up" and may God continue to watch over you.
Quite a story. Good for you. Learning how to use it will be exciting.
Great story! Your angel knows you and you deserve it
It wasn't me but that's great, Mindy. Setup should be straightforward - probably just plug it in and follow instructions on the screen.
That's quite a surprise. Someone in your life wants to see you. Jane