So this is a bit late – I guess I took an unannounced,
unplanned vacation from blogging. I left
you after two parts of a sort of good karma series. The last slice is this. I planned to cut off my long hair and return
to a simpler life of short hair. I
figured I’m not going to grow it long again.
(If I move up the financial mountain significantly and can afford others
to deal with my hair, I’d consider it.)
So this was my chance to donate my hair to a place that makes wigs for
cancer patients who can’t afford wigs.
There are many places, and they have different requirements. I sent my braid to the Angel Hair Foundation
in Oregon.
And now I look like this…
Before going to get my hair cut, I played a game of Quick Draw
and for hitting none of the numbers, I won five dollars.
The homeless man in the park, the pigeon on the train, my hair
off to Oregon -- all followed by some monetary luck – seemed so connected to
But in general, I am financially f’d. As I mentioned a couple of blogs back, my
second job closed down. The program
doesn’t exist anymore. And getting from
paycheck to paycheck and not getting evicted or services turned off has been
very hard. By the time payday comes, I
owe so much of my check to others who helped me get through. Even carfare to go to free things is an
issue. Luckily I walk to my day job. And since I work on a college campus, there’s
sometimes free food to be had.
So I once again ask my readers to keep me in mind and spread
the word regarding:
Proofreading – I’ve worked on and off over the
years as a proofreader for law firms, financial institutions, advertising
agencies, and my favorite: individual creative writers. I’m willing to pick up and deliver the work.
Artist’s model – clothed and nude for fine artists
(those who paint, draw, sculpt). Photographers on a case by case basis. I’m not
a Twiggy, and I’d be considered “mature.”
Paid comedy gigs
Paid acting roles
Paid poetry featured readings
Depending on location, I can attend to people’s
cats while they are away. (I do well with cats and dogs.)
On an exciting note, a while back I shared that I did a set
for a taping of Comics Watching Comics.
I will be in episode 3. I have no
idea what the comics watching said or how they reacted to my stuff, but I know
when I did it, the audience and I had a blast.
Episode 3 will be appearing in parts starting later this week. I don’t know what part I’ll be in. I’m excited.
I’m being very brave to share this when I don’t know what they said
about my stand-up. That’s a benefit of
getting older – the oh fuck it attitude. I’m looking forward to this adventure.
Keep on pushing
Keep on pushing
Congrats on CWC.
Like the hair.
Thank you Rhonda, Lisa, and Joe. Lisa, who knows what they said about me and my performance, so I'm giggly in a nervous sort of way. I am excited to see it. Rhonda, it's always a good reminder. And Joe, that's a great thing to say to a woman. LOL Thank you.
Mindy, never give up! You have a lot of talents, and if your friends are listening to you, work will come your way. Get the word out!!
If I hear of anything, you'll know.
You're doing a reverse Samson : haircut makes you stronger. Looks great too.
If I hear of anything, you'll know.
You're doing a reverse Samson : haircut makes you stronger. Looks great too.
Thank you, Susan and David. :-)