Producing a show helps
me appreciate being in someone else’s show where I only have to concern myself
with my performance and some promoting.
Being in someone else’s show helps me appreciate creating my own show
where I don’t have to risk a beating to my soul while calling it comedy.
After the last show I
produced, most things I had been sitting on for the sake of the show came
flying out of my mouth. There had been
much trying of my patience, new things to learn, disappointments, wonderfulness,
and the unexpected fractured ribs, besides all the work involved. The show was pretty terrific. Everybody left smiling, many complimenting, and
some asking for the next one. That was
fantastic. I had to tell the “Diva” I
had vented to that I had been venting and nothing I said should be considered a
decision. Days went by, and I tried to
see all the challenges as learning opportunities.
Now it is 11 days
before the next show. I am thrilled with
the line-up: Ellen Orchid, Mindy Matijasevic, Ken Watter, and Rhonda Hansome. But the to-do list is long
(though not as bad as last time since some things are settled now), and the work
of getting enough audience remains the hardest part. Several people who wanted to know about a
next show won’t be in NYC on Valentine’s weekend.
Oy. I’m a worrier. That’s what I
know how to do well.
So if you care to be my Valentine -- .jpg)
-- oops –- I mean
