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  1. Vaccinated & Hopeful

    Thursday, May 6, 2021


    Well I got my second Pfizer shot on 4/28.  Thankfully, my best buddy took me there and back (in addition to other errands we needed to do).  Like with the first time, I was fine until that night.  Then chills, fever, and a major headache.  I slept a lot but when I awoke the next day, the headache was still major.  My buddy had called me a couple of times and left messages.  At some point, I called him back because I didn’t want him to think I died or anything.  I told him how bad I was feeling.  He suggested Tylenol.  I didn’t have any in the house.  He rode his bike over and brought me strong Ibuprofen he had left over from dental work.  He is an amazing brother (by choice).  Within 15 minutes, I was sweating out the fever and my head stopped hurting.  I was able to sleep some more.  I was grateful.  Very.


    Though I felt crappy for a day and a half, I’m glad I’m vaccinated. 



    I was surprised when I saw myself in the mirror today.  I had forgotten that I gave myself a haircut last night.  I think I did okay this time.  Last time I started to feel I was losing the hair-cutting skill I had achieved.  Thought I should return to a hair stylist next time.  But this time went okay, and I don’t need another expense.  So though it feels pampering to have someone else deal with my hair, I’m going to continue doing it myself for now.

    On a positive note, I was informed a poem of mine called “May 2020” is included in this May’s issue of the West Side Arts Coalition newsletter.


    Some of my friends in comedy have started doing in-person shows again.  I should get ready.  I’m nervous.



    Mother’s Day is coming up.  If your mom is divorced, glad, and has a sense of humor, this would be a unique gift.  Contact me for details.

    Love to CGG-M  ❤❤❤

  2. 9 comments:

    1. Jack Cooper said...

      The divorced mother I have in mind is a shrink and was married to me ... What do you think (asking for myself)?

    2. The shots are worth it. I felt like crap after each Pfizer shot, the second being the worst, but no fever. The usual sore arm, fatigue, even constipation and a messed up cycle from the second shot. Almost five days of symptoms

    3. Joe said...

      Glad you're feeling better and that you have completed the shots (at least until they tell us a booster is needed). Congratulations on the poem. It's so great to have your work appreciated.

    4. People, thanks much for taking the time to read and comment. Others have trouble leaving comments here, and they email me instead. Joe, I need to put together a book-sized poetry manuscript (I probably have enough for 2 or 3 books). Lisa, it would be nice to be out there again with comedy. Patricia, we are all so different in some ways as are our reactions to the shot. Thanks for the support, Anne. Jack, you had me laughing. The shirts are unisex, so maybe get one for each of you?

    5. Melinda said...

      Well, give yourself an "atta girl" you got them done! The corona cloud of doom has been lingering over our heads but soon this too shall pass. I am feeling great about huggable vaccinated possibilities 😊. My ex came over yesterday and we were able to hug. We spent a pleasant day together. Even cooked dinner together. We chatted til 1:30 am and then "my guest" headed for my bedroom(I had dressed the bed with fresh linens earlier) and I headed for my couch. One of the dogs slept with her and the other one snuggled up with me in the couch.
      As for myself, I'll pick and choose where and when to remove my mask.
      I'm glad you were able to have some laughs with friends too.
      On a super down note look at the COMPLETE IDIOT cosen to replace Liz Cheney😡. A DUMP WORSHIPPER. F'K!

    6. Wow! When you said your guest headed for the bedroom, I thought the rest of that was going somewhere else. But you are as clear as you ever were. :-)

    7. Congratulations on being vaccinated - life starts getting better from here. Vaccinated people can meet and greet, in smallish numbers. They can go to comedy shows (soon anyway.) So yes, congrats!

    8. Layla Jozef said...

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