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  1. Food Stamp Stomp By Rhonda Hansome

    Thursday, May 4, 2017

    A "Grade A Fool" got her panties in a twist on Facebook over a stranger's use of food stamps. An EBT Card Owner bought food and requested $50.00 cash back. It then appeared the EBT card owner used that entire $50.00 to purchase lotto tickets. This pissed off, to no end, "Grade A Fool" and a number of her followers.

    Anyone in the unenviable position to qualify for Food Stamps and actually receive an EBT card deserves to use HER money as she sees fit. 

    Corporate welfare queens continue to profit from paying as little as their numerous tax loopholes will allow.  On campaign, POTUS 45 actually touted his use of tax evasion loopholds as "smart". Unlike the EBT Card Owner he has refused to reveal recent tax returns and is determined to use his elevated position to increase benefits to the richest 1%.

    So I say to you hater nosey bitches, try buying a clue!

    Blatant Self-Promotion Alert! 
    Thank you Kevin Gootee, judges: Jeffrey Gurian Sean Lynch Amy Shanker 
    Jim Mendrinos and all the crew associated with the latest episode of 

    Click the link and enjoy!

  2. 3 comments:

    1. She said, "Rhonda..." lololol

    2. by the way, my previous comment was in response to the video. as for the rest of the blog entry, thank you for writing it. "buy a clue" -- that's great.

    3. frankie said...

      I like the layout of your blog and you always post such fun posts. I really hope you go far in the field of blogging and start getting a lot of visitors.

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